[English Version Below]


19-og Avgusta u večernjim satima, ćemo izvršiti promene IP adrese svih servera koji su bili na nekoj od IP adresa iz sledećih paketa - -

Nakon promene IP adrese servera, ppotreban je restart svakog servera što će dovesti do nekoliko minuta nedostupnosti sajtova/servera korisnika. Ova promena neće dovesti do nekog gubitka fajlova korisnika ili neke duže nedostupnosti sajtova.

Ova promena neće uticati na korisnike shared hosting usluga koji su domene usmerili preko nasih nameservera ali ukoliko korisnici koriste neki drugi DNS servis kao sto je npr. CloudFlare, biće potrebno da izvrše izmenu IP adrese u podešavanju DNS-a na svom CloudFlare nalogu.

Informacije o novim IP adresama ćemo vam dostaviti u Subotu. Ukoliko imate bilo kakvih pitanja, slobodno nas kontaktirajte putem tiket sistema https://log.hosting022.com/submitticket.php?step=2&deptid=2


Srdačan pozdrav
Hosting022 podrška



English Version

On August 19th in the evening per CET time zone, we will change the IP address of all servers that were on one of the IP addresses from the following packages - -

After changing the IP address of the server, it is necessary to restart each server, which will lead to several minutes of unavailability of the user's sites/servers.

This change will not lead to any loss of user files or any longer unavailability of sites. This change will not affect users of shared hosting services who have directed their domains through our nameservers, but if users use another DNS service such as, for example, CloudFlare, they will need to change the IP address in the DNS settings of their CloudFlare account.

Information about new IP addresses will be delivered to you on Saturday. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via the ticket system https://log.hosting022.com/submitticket.php?step=2&deptid=2


Best regards

Hosting022 Support


Subota, Avgust 19, 2023

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